Health expert, Rosemary Gibson, author of “China RX: Exposing the Risks for America’s Dependence on China for Medicine”gives a startling account of the national security threat we face getting all of our drugs from China. And policy director of League of Fans, Ken Reed, tells us inspiring stories of people, who are trying to reform the world of sports.
Rosemary Gibson is an award-winning author, inspirational speaker, and advisor to organizations that advance the public’s interest in health care. Ms. Gibson serves as Senior Advisor at The Hastings Center, which is the world’s first bioethics research institute, and she is an editor for the Journal of the American Medical Association. A national authority on health care reform, Medicare, patient safety and overtreatment in medicine, Rosemary Gibson has authored many critically acclaimed books , including the one we’re going to talk about today. It’s entitled “China Rx: Exposing the Risks for America’s Dependence on China for Medicine.”
“There was country of origin labeling legislation put forward about ten years ago, but it was immediately killed. And when I asked an industry person to describe why that happened, this person said, “Well, the industry probably thought it wouldn’t be good for their customers to know where their medicines are being made.” And that’s because in a poll from the Pew Trust, only 6% of Americans trust medicines made in China. So, companies have good reason to hide it.”
Rosemary Gibson, author of “China Rx: Exposing the Risk of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine.”
Ken Reed is the Sports Policy Director for League of Fans, a sports reform organization founded by Ralph Nader and based in Washington, D.C. He writes position papers, columns, and a blog on the biggest and most important issues in sports today. He is the editor of a new book entitled, “The Sports Reformers,”which is a collection of short interviews with current and former athletes, doctors, lawyers, politicians, consumer watchdogs, former athletic administrators, research scientists, civil rights activists, professors, fans and parents — who are working to enhance the positives and lessen the negatives in sports.
“There are some schools that are being built now without gyms. Physical education isn’t even required in a lot of schools. It’s not only hurting the physical health of our kids, but there is plenty of research shows that behavioral problems go up when physical activity goes down. And also on the positive side of physical activity, the more active kids are cardio-vascularly, the better they do on academic tests. Because physical activity actually grows brain cells.”
Ken Reed, Policy Director of League of Fans
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