Ralph welcomes back Andrew Kimbrell, founder of the Center for Food Safety, to discuss the dangers of genetically engineered viruses and the possibility that COVID-19 escaped from a lab. And Dr. Michael Carome, director of the Health Research Group at Public Citizen, tells us about Public Citizen's effort to get President Trump and Vice President Pence to step down and put health experts in charge of the pandemic response.
Andrew Kimbrell is an internationally recognized public interest attorney, bioethicist and NGO leader. Mr. Kimbrell has been at the forefront of efforts to strictly regulate biotechnology, ensure responsible bio-medical research and eliminate biological weapon research. He is the founder and Executive Director of the Center for Food Safety. He is the author of “Your Right to Know: Genetic Engineering and the Secret Changes in Your Food” and he is the editor of “Fatal Harvest: The Tragedy of Industrial Agriculture”.
“Accidental release not deliberate release. A product of genetic engineering that took a SARS like virus. [Scientists] wanted to see how transmissible they could make it. They wanted to see how lethal they could make it and it escaped.”
Andrew Kimbrell, Executive Director of the Center for Food Safety
“We can’t stop natural pandemics from happening in nature. That’s gonna happen. But we can stop pandemics that originated in the laboratories around the world, because people are deliberately creating them in laboratories.”
Andrew Kimbrell, Executive Director of the Center for Food Safety
Dr. Michael Carome is the director of the Health Research Group at Public Citizen, which is a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization that stands up to corporate power and holds the government accountable. Dr. Carome is an expert on issues of drug and medical device safety, pharmacy compounding, Food and Drug Administration oversight, healthcare policy, and the protection of human research subjects. Public Citizen just released a letter calling for Trump and Pence to step aside.
“Unlike other countries, we are not allowing federal experts in public health and medicine to lead the response. In fact, not only are we not letting them lead the response, we have our leaders, Trump and Pence and others, systematically undermining the efforts of our experts to bring the pandemic under control.”
Dr. Michael Carome, director of the Health Research Group at Public Citizen
“There’s a clear need for Trump and Pence to step aside. And turn over the reins of control of the federal response to the pandemic immediately and if that doesn’t happen soon things that are bordering on catastrophic will become catastrophic.”
Dr. Michael Carome, director of the Health Research Group at Public Citizen
“The burden of proof is on the scientists. It’s not on the people who fear the consequences of it or on the potential victims. It’s on the scientists and those in Congress and elsewhere who fund them.”
Ralph Nader
You can email Dr. John Geyman at jgeyman@uw.edu. Include your name and which congressperson you want the book sent to.
Also, to push for Trump and Pence to step aside from the pandemic response, call:
White House Switchboard Number (202) 456-1414
White House Comment Number (202) 456-1111
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