Marketing professor and entrepreneur, Scott Galloway, explains how Google is God, Facebook is Love, Amazon is Consumption, Apple is Sex, and their collective market dominance needs to be broken up for the sake of democracy… and innovation. Plus, Ralph talks to Michael Merhige about the political philosophy he developed while working as a CIA operative and in the military.
Scott Galloway is a Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business where he teaches Brand Strategy and Digital Marketing. In addition to founding several businesses himself, Professor Galloway has been named “One of the World’s 50 Best Business School Professors.” He is the author of “The Four: The Hidden DNA of Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google.” His article on the topic in Esquire is entitled “Silicon Valley’s Tax Avoiding, Job-Killing, Soul Sucking Machine.”
“If you read the Wall Street Journal or look at CNBC, you’d think we’re living in a great era of innovation. We’re not. We’re living in an era of non-innovation. There were twice as many new businesses being formed every day when Jimmy Carter was President forty years ago than are being formed today. Because these companies (Google, Amazon, Facebook Apple) are so powerful, they can perform infanticide on small threats; and they’re prematurely euthanizing big companies, which are traditionally bigger employers.”
Scott Galloway, Professor of Marketing: NYU Stern School of Business
Michael G. Merhige served in the US Army and Marines during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He was also a CIA officer in the Far East and in South America and retired in the private sector as a Corporate Development Executive. His book is “Thoughtful Pauses: A Political Philosophy” which has been described as “a gripping and potent work that concentrates on the foibles of the government and expresses the musings of a man who worked within this same government.”
“We’ve been in the Middle East now going on two decades… Why is it that today, if these wars are so important to us over there, there is no conscription, no draft? There’s hypocrisy in these wars.”
Michael Merhige, author of “Thoughtful Pauses.”
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