Ralph talks with businessman, Richard Master, the executive producer of “Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point,” about how the business community should embrace a single payer healthcare system; and also Nomi Prins fills us in on how the Federal Reserve serves Wall Street over Main Street.
Richard Master is owner and CEO of MCS Industries and the director of the documentary “Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point.” Mr. Master is a former Eagle Scout who got his law degree, became a civil rights attorney, opened his own Washington law firm, worked on George McGovern’s 1972 presidential campaign, and then went home to run his family’s packaging business, where he saw first hand the disaster that is the American healthcare system.
Nomi Prins is the author of All The President’s Bankers: The Hidden Alliances That Drive American Power and It Takes A Pillage: Behind the Bonuses, Bailouts, and Backroom Deals from Washington to Wall Street. Her book Other People’s Money: The Corporate Mugging of America predicted the financial crisis of 2008 and was chosen as a best book of 2004 by The Economist, Barrons, and The Library Journal. In a previous life, Ms. Prins was a managing director at Goldman Sachs and a senior managing director at Bear Stearns.
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