Ari Berman, author of “Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America” joins Ralph to discuss what needs to happen for Americans to be able to vote this November. Plus, Ralph talks about George Floyd, Boeing, and answers listener questions.
Ari Berman is a senior reporter for Mother Jones and a fellow at Type Media Center. He writes extensively about American politics, civil rights and the intersection of money and politics. Mr. Berman was the first national reporter to cover voter suppression during the 2012 election, bringing the issue into the national spotlight. His most recent book “Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America” is about the history of voting rights since 1965.
“It’s very ironic, that the only major case of election fraud in recent elections was committed by Republicans. And that everyone knew what was happening. But no one did anything about it, which goes to show you that when you have voter fraud, it’s very rare, but when you have it in large numbers you eventually get caught. And that’s what happened in North Carolina. And that election was ultimately nullified.”
Ari Berman, author of Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America
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