I have my ballot ready to be delivered and I have to say, voting for Jill Stein/Butch Ware was refreshing, to say the least. The last two elections I held my nose and voted for "the lesser evil" - remember when Genocide Joe was the "lesser" evil? Before that I fooled myself into believing Obama was the good choice, and before that I still could not vote in this country. Bad voting still winning but I will not go back to the duopoly propaganda.

I suggest that anyone who is in a already decided state, to vote for the Green Party, to booster them and hopefully get some good energy going. And I do hope that the ones in the few states that decide elections also vote for the Green Party. The democratic party needs to implode and end. The GOP is beyond hope, they represent all that is wrong in this country, so the only way is to build a better party, a better coalition, and defeat them

It is time to take a stand against the duopoly, even if it means a period of stress and maybe horrible things here at home. Americans have never really experienced the evils we cause all over the globe. In a way we are too comfortable, even as we speak up, protest and fight for justice. It doesn't seem to be enough of us, it doesn't seem to be enough "reality check". While I don't wish that those things happen here, I see this as inevitable in the process of change

I can barely follow the news anymore, depression is hovering with all the terrible things our government is doing, all the things many Americans are ignoring. But casting my vote as I hope to live my life is, in a way, liberating ("Live your life in a way that doesn't make a mockery of your values" - attributed to Bill Ayers, but the words are not his). I wouldn't feel bad even if Florida was a swing state, and will celebrate the swing state's voters who can also liberate themselves from the fear of not falling in line for the convenience of militarism, imperialism, colonialism and corporatism.

Let's just hope that Biden doesn't start the end of the world

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I have been a member of JVP as a non jew since the 2nd wk of Oct. '23.....Mon-Fri there is a zoom call and followers DO send messages to their Congress persons to stop supporting the Genocide. I am in Penna and every time I get a long message back from my 1 Congress person stating why he is supporting Israel......and the other Congress person does not respond.............he has made his position very clear.....from the git go. Sadly, I find that so many are more interested in paying attention to all the distractions that are around us today ...so many through our phones. So discouraging.......

I try to never miss the Ralph Nader Radio Hour......thank you Ralph......

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Oct 19·edited Oct 19

This morning's "Breaking News" from Al Jazeera; A drone has struck nettahoohoo's vacation home in Caesarea, North of Tel Aviv. Unfortunately he was not there, but that speaks volumes about the effectiveness of "iron dumb" and the 'wonderful" (izzy's description) Arrow defense systems The air raid sirens did not even go off until after the house was hit. Report says Hezbollah launched three missiles.

Iran launched two missile barrages that evaded those defenses. Using missiles and $200 drones that show the cost effectiveness of multi-million dollar US missiles in defense of those Iranian barrages That may have cost a total of a few million$.

Now the $1B THAAD system, with a capacity of 48 missiles, will only cost $21M per missile! Way to go Austin!

Admirable guests today, plus the 10 news articles and Russell.

Vote against genocide and fascism!

Stein/Ware 2024! Green Party for all other elected offices 2024!

I stand with Palestine and I support Palestinian Human Rights! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 And Lebanon/Hezbollah 🇱🇧 🇱🇧 🇱🇧 🇱🇧 🇱🇧

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The audio quality is very bad. Hard to listen to. Disappointing.

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Sorry about that. Didn't seem as bad when we recorded it, but I agree. Our sincere apologies.

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It's fine for me listening thru the player at the top of this page.

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Really struggling to hear this through the prohibitive distraction of sketchy audio.

CONgress is already in “Vacationing On My ZioNaziMossad BRIBE MONEY” mode.

So exhausted they are from plunging THEIR OWN NATION into 1990s RUSSIA STATUS❗️

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Sorry about the audio. Bad cell phone in a public space. Sometimes that happens and we can't do much about it. Sincere apologies. it's a pain, I know.

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with the deep state and the AIPAC influenced censorship it's getting hard to stay informed

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Oct 19·edited Oct 19

The imperialist US has been itching to attack Iran and start a regional war since it stationed carrier strike groups off the coast of Gaza a year ago.

I wonder if its NATO poodles will join in.

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Brilliant article today,Mr. Nader and will reStack ASAP 💯👍🇺🇸💙🌊🌊

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Foreign agent m'am

Foreign agent m'am

She's given all our tax bucks

To Israel and Ukraine.

I'm thinking about Ms. Wyoming Congresswoman

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William Hartung's audio was very sketchy. Hard to catch all words w ease.

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Sorry about that. I agree. Cell phone in a public space. Last minute accommodation. Our sincere apologies.

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Trump and Harris VOTERS back sending bombs and hardware as well as Navy carriers and so on to support the genocide in Gaza. Voters back the military Empire's 800 bases overseas. I dont have a blinkered view of America.

I dont buy the theory suggested here that some or any of these Duopoly voters are against the proxy wars in Gaza and Ukraine and that the Duopoly including Trump and Harris and the MSM are simply ignoring 'growing public anti war views' . Only some 2 or 3% polled are for the Stein or West candidates.

Obviously, MSM propaganda and support for the Empire and its proxy wars in Gaza and Ukraine has been a factor and has convinced some Duopoly voters, but the fact is Americans voting TODAY for Trump and Harris are effectively voting for the proxy wars to continue, and they know it. these Duopoly voters at best are callous and indifferent to the suffering that the US government is causing with billions of their tax dollars in these wars overseas.

Voters know this year there is an alternative - Jill Stein- and polls show she has only 1-3% support.

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Happy Halloween fellow RNRH Listeners! Apologies for something completely unrelated to this week's show, but I've been meaning to share this epiphany moment for months and Halloween seems like the appropriate time. How cool to learn that our very own Steve and David starred in the best scenes from Curb Your Enthusiasm! I stumbled on a podcast hosted Susie Essman and Jeff Garlin where they dissect each episode of Curb. I listened to the ones about my favourite episodes "The Baptism" and "Trick or Treat" and learned that you guys starred in the funniest--truly laugh out loud--scenes. It had been years since I watched these and had fun rewatching. Susie and Jeff singing your praises in both episodes. Again, Happy Halloween to the Team!

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Not sure where to post this but I guess it could fit here since Ralph is always reminding us to engage with our congresspeople.

So here is what happens with my congressman: when I call his office with the issue of Gaza, I probably get an intern that has one answer to all questions: "Israel has the right to defend itself". I am not kidding. It is like talking to an automated answering system. I almost expect that one day I will get a "this option is not valid" reply.

Occasionally - very occasionally - I receive an email about some "meet the congressman" - with less than 24 hours to plan my day. I can never go. Work and all that, things that people who are not in congress have to do every day. It is in the middle of the day in some coffee shop or something. Never a town hall, a space for real talk or Q&A. I assume it is a lot of adulation or staff moving people away to "allow for others to speak" while approaching a table in the corner of the cafe.

Ralph, I am trying but all my letters - via USPS - went unanswered. It is not only frustrating but it is now to a point that it is a waste of time

Congressman Cory Mills, Florida 7

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Ralph at 19:50 minutes in: "How do you explain to our listeners the situation in Congress now?"

He didn't ask me, but I would explain it like this local Palestinian-American does in only 3 minutes:


i.e.: "These people are utterly and completely devoid of all morals and all humanity. THERE IS NO DIALOGUE TO BE HAD!"

And I get irked when I see the quote by Pelosi in Nader.org's Friday's column (https://nader.org/2024/10/18/goodbye-lebanon-high-israeli-official-biden-says-ok-so-far/) where she asserts that it is some kind of an honor and privilege to address Congress.

It's concerning that anyone thinks it's some kind of a privilege to address this body of overcompensated cowards.

We have it all wrong.

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Imagine of thousands of citizens over the next few weeks not letting go and giving the congressional candidates a piece of their mind when shaking hands and the effect it will have on those candidates when they get elected with 98-99% of the vote split between big money politicians that support killing people.

Now imagine millions of citizens casting a write in vote in the 2024 congressional elections in the 90% plus of congressional districts gerrymandered for the Republicans or Democrats to register a vote against the big money candidates that kill people and to create and demonstrate demand for small donor candidates in 2026 and the effect it could have with just 10% of the votes cast as these write in votes.

Which do you think would have a more positive effect?

Imagine the possibility of millions of citizens casting these write in votes in 2024 with no one offering citizens this option.

Now imagine the possibility of millions of citizens casting these write in votes in 2024 with Ralph and people such as Jim Hightower, William Barber, Col. Wilkerson, etc. offering citizens this option and encouraging citizen participation.

When will Ralph be available to shake my hand so I can not let go until Ralph gets a piece of my mind on this issue and Ralph agrees to discuss it?

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I agree with Brian Lacy. William Hartung's audio is sketchy. I thought it was just him, but Sumaya Awads' is sketchy also. Sounds as if they have a lisp. Is this Big Brother messing with us?

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We apologize for that. I agree. It was hard to make out. Didn't seem as bad when we recorded. Cell phone in a public space. We'll try not to let that happen again.

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