In the immediate aftermath of the mammoth fires in Los Angeles, Ralph welcomes Douglas Heller, Director of Insurance at Consumer Federation of America to fill us in on what to expect from the industry and how to get the most out of your fire insurance claims.
I am no fan of Trump, but this broadcast is deceptively one-sided. You are speculating about what Trump might do, and not mentioning that Biden DID do these things. Silencing dissent comes to mind -- are you familiar with the Twitter Files? The Biden Administration was in daily contact with social media and search engine giants, telling them what to censor. Also: using Presidential power for personal gain. This was Hunter's model during the time that Biden was Obama's Veep. He went around the world, shaking down foreign governments for millions to BIden in exchange for billions in foreign military aid, economic aid, and trade deals.
Biden embrace a lot of the fascistic ideals from the right wing and from Trump but do think there is a huge difference between the two - and what they can/could accomplish.
During the Biden administration there all that you mentioned but the difference is clear: the billionaires are not unashamedly and in plain view in control of the government. They can do whatever they want and nobody will even try to ask them why. there are no breaks. The cult followers will threaten dissent against Trump and the oligarchs will exploit this dynamic.
Expect to see a lot of independent media shut down, or adopt a self-imposing silence for fear of not being able to get the money they need to continue the work. That's the danger: corporate dictatorship. all we have seen so far was just a little taste. Now, we are fully subjected to it. I lived under a dictatorship, believe me, the "falling in line" just happens as a means of survival. The dissenters will have a lot of difficulties because in this age of digital surveillance, what you say at home is not private anymore.
The other problem is that the people following trump have different motives and the will not just think about democracy and rule of law, they will think about themselves. And his base, the MAGA hats, they are just part of a cult. Do you have any idea of how hard it is to get someone to unfollow a cultist leader? Anyone is vulnerable, anyone. That's just psychology
It is going to be bad, much worse than anyone can imagine.
In the part of New England where I live, we have had lots of wildfire smoke over the past few years mostly generated by California and Canadian fires. It hit home this past fall when the Butternut Fire broke out and was only dampened because the area finally got some rain after months of almost nothing and serious drought conditions. Fossil fuel production and use will only worsen these conditions and wildfires, already numerous and recurring, will burn again and again. Insurance companies will continue raising rates for people not affected by wildfires along with either leaving fire-prone areas, or increasing premiums for those at risk.
Where will Trump II take us? Within a day of his inauguration he will begin a roundup of immigrants in the Chicago area. Who knows where his juggernaut against immigrants will go after Chicago? Immigrants are an easy target while Trump creates mayhem in other areas such as with war, tariffs, increased corporate greed, etc. For what good it does, I will continue to write and guess that there are many others on his list above me.
I came of age with my cohort of baby boomers in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Coincidentally, that era was when Ralph Nader made his most impressive mark on the auto industry and consumer rights. I could never have dreamed that the political system would become as bad as it has. It’s not just Republicans who have driven our society to the edge of a symbolic and real cliff.
In California when my house was damaged in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and the cost to repair would take two years and the end result was a mortgage greater than the sales value of the house. My tax attorney advised me to give the house back to the bank through foreclosure as this eliminates the mortage debt completely. I would expect many homeowners who lost homes with the conflagration are in the same situation and need to know that walking away is a legal option in California.
LA fires are heartbreaking, but the combo of too many people in a fire-prone ecological zone plus climate change is obvious. I live in hurricane-prone Florida, and cross my fingers annually, but also plan to move to a safer place when I can afford it.
I vote Green and support rank choice voting. I am a long-time peace activist, so you know I am not a Trump supporter. Still, yes, Trump is expected to be "bad", especially for environmental regulations and climate change, and more, according to spin, but you are delusional if you think his MAGA backers are a minority. The Christian Right and the working classes have been duped into voting for him because the Democrats abandoned class as an issue. The DNC and their media puppets are overly vocal about diversity and inclusion which has turned off many white voters, especially poor and middle class voters. Look at the statistics. Ignoring class has turned off lower class people of color, too.
Additionally, Biden supplied two wars, and fueled a genocide in Gaza. Ukraine and Gaza could both have been avoided. Biden, his family and friends are hardly squeaky clean when it comes to benefiting themselves from public funds. The military industrial complex is thriving along with big Pharma, big Ag, and all the other BIGs.
As others have mentioned, the censoring and "fact checking" authoritarianism of the Biden administration was an attack on free speech and critical thinking. I was one of those silenced for knowing that NIH funded "growth of function" research on the type of viruses that were the source of COVID at the Wuhan Virology Lab. The stupid DNC tribe called that truth a conspiracy. The DNC tribe can't be trusted to know what science is, although they claim to "believe" in it. The DNC tribe writes books claiming that COVID can be blamed on wet labs and wildlife, which has been shown to be incorrect.
We'll see what happens with Trump, and seems educated greens and "liberals" are paying more attention. If the DNC fails to regain the trust of lower and middle classes, especially whites, they will never beat the MAGA tribe.
That the following is not misunderstood, I must say that to me, Ralph Nader, the prototypical, positively “Unreasonable Man,” is a hero, and, via his broadcasts, speeches I attended, and/or books I have purchased, he has mentored me. Therefore, sharing the following critique feels uncomfortable, however, it is in the spirit of forthrightness he has modeled throughout his accomplished public life, so unless he considers the content factually inaccurate, I don’t think he would object.
I hate that my 77 years’ experience, especially my post 2015 experience necessitates my responding to the following comments and recommendations Mr. Nader made during today's "Fires in LA, Foreboding in DC" podcast post.
In brief, the following responses may be summarized thus, "Been there, done that!" innumerable times over at least the last ~five decades:
Mr. Nader notes that when, (vs. if) 1/20/25 - 1/19/29 DT violates Article II et al., he can be impeached. Indeed! However, has Mr. Nader forgotten the two impeachments' acquittal outcomes, when at a post impeachment press conference, taunting his demonstrably effete Progressive Democrat opponents, DT triumphantly, belligerently as is his wont, held up a newspaper's large font front page headline, "ACQUITTED!" Ergo, in future, given the manifestly craven majority in Congress, is it rational to assume that the threat of impeachment will deter DT in the next four years? Methinks not.
In re Mr. Nader’s standard recommendation, viz. “contact your Representatives and Senators;” “convene town meetings, during which you should question and challenge the member” (i.e., so-to-speak, hold your representatives’ feet to the fire!)
Well, over the decades since receiving my Political Science BA – reflexively, routinely, repeatedly, doggedly – I have attempted to contact my New York State Congressman and Senators, via phone, email, and hard copy letters and multi-page proposals,* and apart from a pro forma boilerplate “Thank you for contacting me...” email reply, not once have I been gratified by evidence that these ostensible “Servants of the People’s” Praetorian Guard staffers have even informed their employer that a constituent requested their attention to a subject and/or a reply!
Frankly, I am surprised that Mr. Nader repeats that advice, since it was only during a recent RNRH broadcast that, in a voice betraying frustrated incredulity, he complained of Representatives and Senators self-imposed exclusivity, having isolated and insulated themselves from direct contact, not only from their “average” constituents, but even when contacted by consequential luminaries such as Ralph Nader, and, in a case he cited, when he was a member of a group of similarly accomplished individuals wishing to convey important information.
So, in my decades’ long direct and indirect observation of the status of government officials’ accessibility, reluctantly, I conclude that unless an applicant – rather, in this case, “supplicant” is the mot juste – is in a position to entice via the prospect of a generous offering, e.g. a campaign contribution in specie and/or in kind, a la billionaires Elon Musk, Miriam Adelson, et al., we “average” constituents are unlikely ever to hear from, no less speak to, meet, or receive The Medal of Freedom and the like from our federal legislators in direct reply to our questions or proposals.
By the way, in my experience, Mr. Nader’s suggestion that face-to-face contact would necessarily be productive has not proven true. Whether in the context of a fleeting meet-and-greet during a campaign rally when one has been able to pose a question, or even when these legislators and Executive Branch officials are questioned e.g. by a well-informed, assertive reporter during a press conference, nowadays, i.e. since the distressing erosion of even a modicum of integrity, honesty, or civility, accompanying DT’s first administration, it seems an anomalous Representative or Senator, Senator Bernie Sanders immediately comes to mind, who, if he/she doesn’t artfully dodge a challenging question, will answer factually and truthfully.
You are correct in your assessment of Ralph's contact your representatives/ Town hall meeting strategy.
It doesn't even work on Ralph.
I got over 50 signatures on a petition from people that read my comments on Ralph's articles when they were on CommonDreams asking Ralph to address my proposal to organize citizens to demand small donor candidates and enforce that demand with our votes to provide the incentive (our votes) for politicians to address the concerns of ordinary citizens rather than only respond to the big money interests to get the big money.
I got a sort of a face-to-face with Ralph on the Washington Journal (10-24-2018) and Ralph artfully used my question to list other proposals and didn't really answer my question. He did say he would have me on the Radio Hour to discuss my proposal but that has still not happened yet.
Perhaps if enough commenters and those that read the comments without commenting were to follow Ralph's advice and contact Ralph with a summons to make good on his statement to have me on the Radio Hour to discuss this proposal it would provide the incentive for Ralph to offer listeners this opportunity to organize citizens to participate in this strategy so we would have the incentive (our votes) that would force politicians to address our concerns.
Then we would have an example of Ralph's strategy actually working.
I'm sure that Ralph and the esteemed Bruce Fein will recall the name of Donald Segretti, and what he was famous for. After reading some of the posts, I have to assert that the spirit of Segretti is very much in evidence here.
Terrific show, by the way.
My one disappointment in the questioning of folks like Hegseth was that it stopped a bit short. I would have asked Hegseth to affirm if a member of the military had a duty to disobey unlawful orders. That's a question he could not have weaseled out of as he did the others. (If he tried, it would clearly show just HOW unfit he is.)
My follow-up to that: What will you do as Secretary of Defense if confronted with subordinates down the chain who regard an order given to them as unlawful.
In their training and development, officers in our military adhere to a strict code of honor / conduct. At West Point, it goes like this: "A cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do." People like Trump and Hegseth are as loyal to their oaths to the Constitution as they are to their wedding vows.
Thank you so much for this program about the Los Angeles fires. I am in this area, and it has been scary. I found a web site that provided information that helped me when I did not know whether I needed to evacuate.
I wish everyone well who has gone through the apprehension of being in the vicinity of these fires and especially the fear and dislocation of evacuation and/or the loss of their home.
This site has a wide variety of resources, including information about 15 fires, their containment status, a map of fire locations and evacuation zones, where to go to be safe when evacuated, where to take your large and small pets to keep them safe, and how to file for FEMA assistance.
Sorry, I just don't buy all the "Chicken Little" pontificating. Sure, I'd like to see heavy regulations on the wealthy and corporations, but look at what the Biden years brought us, supposedly he was going to restore law, order and sanity to the Presidency. Thankfully we're not going to see Kamala Harris become president, I actually voted for her. If the wars can be ended, without Iran attacked, if the carnage between Ukraine and Russia ends, then Trump will be seen as cognitively with it, unlike the hopeless feckless senile Biden. Good riddance to the Bidens, et al.
And on all the climate change concerns, though we are overwhelmed with yet more cities burning with chaotic conditions, would all the green agenda programs really help? The amount of devastation to land and atmosphere by these fires dwarfs all the electric technology production.
As for the law in general in the US, I'd recommend the John Grisham novels. The US has been full of disorderly and lawless people since its founding, and though we should try to get the law working, it is quite possible to make things a lot worse once law enforcement flexes its mindless and calloused muscles. We've certainly seen many good people who got behind in their taxes ruined financially. The original purpose of taxation is to add to the budget according to prioritized needs; but when you have deficits that are overwhelming any ability to pay, are taxes even meaningful anymore?
Heartbroken over the deviation caused by these fires, and worse,an insurmountable amount of misinformation, insurance woes and a new administration unwilling to assure California residents AID. Thank You,Mr.Nater, for sharing your Substack platform to keep us informed today, and will reStack ASAP 🙏💯👍
"The Trump regime has a high probability of being the most lawless dictatorial regime in American history. All presidents violate laws, but Trump has taken this to a new, boastful level of variety." One must assume you have been living in a cave these past four years.
Greetings to the RNRH team from New Zealand! This program will be invaluable over the next four years. I can't say I look forward to Bruce's tracking of impeachable offenses, but I'm glad he's on the case. For Ralph: I'm curious what your lobbying strategy would be for those of us with Democratic Representatives, especially those in safe seats. What's the ask? Given Dems are in the minority, I'm worried they'll get away with platitudes and Trump's general awfulness will let them off the hook. I will continue to do my best from overseas and likely go directly to the Leg Director in Washington office.
Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
This horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
I am no fan of Trump, but this broadcast is deceptively one-sided. You are speculating about what Trump might do, and not mentioning that Biden DID do these things. Silencing dissent comes to mind -- are you familiar with the Twitter Files? The Biden Administration was in daily contact with social media and search engine giants, telling them what to censor. Also: using Presidential power for personal gain. This was Hunter's model during the time that Biden was Obama's Veep. He went around the world, shaking down foreign governments for millions to BIden in exchange for billions in foreign military aid, economic aid, and trade deals.
Biden embrace a lot of the fascistic ideals from the right wing and from Trump but do think there is a huge difference between the two - and what they can/could accomplish.
During the Biden administration there all that you mentioned but the difference is clear: the billionaires are not unashamedly and in plain view in control of the government. They can do whatever they want and nobody will even try to ask them why. there are no breaks. The cult followers will threaten dissent against Trump and the oligarchs will exploit this dynamic.
Expect to see a lot of independent media shut down, or adopt a self-imposing silence for fear of not being able to get the money they need to continue the work. That's the danger: corporate dictatorship. all we have seen so far was just a little taste. Now, we are fully subjected to it. I lived under a dictatorship, believe me, the "falling in line" just happens as a means of survival. The dissenters will have a lot of difficulties because in this age of digital surveillance, what you say at home is not private anymore.
The other problem is that the people following trump have different motives and the will not just think about democracy and rule of law, they will think about themselves. And his base, the MAGA hats, they are just part of a cult. Do you have any idea of how hard it is to get someone to unfollow a cultist leader? Anyone is vulnerable, anyone. That's just psychology
It is going to be bad, much worse than anyone can imagine.
Former NY Times journalist Alex Berenson has an active lawsuit against the Biden administration's censorship, check out his substack site.
In the part of New England where I live, we have had lots of wildfire smoke over the past few years mostly generated by California and Canadian fires. It hit home this past fall when the Butternut Fire broke out and was only dampened because the area finally got some rain after months of almost nothing and serious drought conditions. Fossil fuel production and use will only worsen these conditions and wildfires, already numerous and recurring, will burn again and again. Insurance companies will continue raising rates for people not affected by wildfires along with either leaving fire-prone areas, or increasing premiums for those at risk.
Where will Trump II take us? Within a day of his inauguration he will begin a roundup of immigrants in the Chicago area. Who knows where his juggernaut against immigrants will go after Chicago? Immigrants are an easy target while Trump creates mayhem in other areas such as with war, tariffs, increased corporate greed, etc. For what good it does, I will continue to write and guess that there are many others on his list above me.
I came of age with my cohort of baby boomers in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Coincidentally, that era was when Ralph Nader made his most impressive mark on the auto industry and consumer rights. I could never have dreamed that the political system would become as bad as it has. It’s not just Republicans who have driven our society to the edge of a symbolic and real cliff.
In California when my house was damaged in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and the cost to repair would take two years and the end result was a mortgage greater than the sales value of the house. My tax attorney advised me to give the house back to the bank through foreclosure as this eliminates the mortage debt completely. I would expect many homeowners who lost homes with the conflagration are in the same situation and need to know that walking away is a legal option in California.
LA fires are heartbreaking, but the combo of too many people in a fire-prone ecological zone plus climate change is obvious. I live in hurricane-prone Florida, and cross my fingers annually, but also plan to move to a safer place when I can afford it.
I vote Green and support rank choice voting. I am a long-time peace activist, so you know I am not a Trump supporter. Still, yes, Trump is expected to be "bad", especially for environmental regulations and climate change, and more, according to spin, but you are delusional if you think his MAGA backers are a minority. The Christian Right and the working classes have been duped into voting for him because the Democrats abandoned class as an issue. The DNC and their media puppets are overly vocal about diversity and inclusion which has turned off many white voters, especially poor and middle class voters. Look at the statistics. Ignoring class has turned off lower class people of color, too.
Additionally, Biden supplied two wars, and fueled a genocide in Gaza. Ukraine and Gaza could both have been avoided. Biden, his family and friends are hardly squeaky clean when it comes to benefiting themselves from public funds. The military industrial complex is thriving along with big Pharma, big Ag, and all the other BIGs.
As others have mentioned, the censoring and "fact checking" authoritarianism of the Biden administration was an attack on free speech and critical thinking. I was one of those silenced for knowing that NIH funded "growth of function" research on the type of viruses that were the source of COVID at the Wuhan Virology Lab. The stupid DNC tribe called that truth a conspiracy. The DNC tribe can't be trusted to know what science is, although they claim to "believe" in it. The DNC tribe writes books claiming that COVID can be blamed on wet labs and wildlife, which has been shown to be incorrect.
We'll see what happens with Trump, and seems educated greens and "liberals" are paying more attention. If the DNC fails to regain the trust of lower and middle classes, especially whites, they will never beat the MAGA tribe.
That the following is not misunderstood, I must say that to me, Ralph Nader, the prototypical, positively “Unreasonable Man,” is a hero, and, via his broadcasts, speeches I attended, and/or books I have purchased, he has mentored me. Therefore, sharing the following critique feels uncomfortable, however, it is in the spirit of forthrightness he has modeled throughout his accomplished public life, so unless he considers the content factually inaccurate, I don’t think he would object.
I hate that my 77 years’ experience, especially my post 2015 experience necessitates my responding to the following comments and recommendations Mr. Nader made during today's "Fires in LA, Foreboding in DC" podcast post.
In brief, the following responses may be summarized thus, "Been there, done that!" innumerable times over at least the last ~five decades:
Mr. Nader notes that when, (vs. if) 1/20/25 - 1/19/29 DT violates Article II et al., he can be impeached. Indeed! However, has Mr. Nader forgotten the two impeachments' acquittal outcomes, when at a post impeachment press conference, taunting his demonstrably effete Progressive Democrat opponents, DT triumphantly, belligerently as is his wont, held up a newspaper's large font front page headline, "ACQUITTED!" Ergo, in future, given the manifestly craven majority in Congress, is it rational to assume that the threat of impeachment will deter DT in the next four years? Methinks not.
In re Mr. Nader’s standard recommendation, viz. “contact your Representatives and Senators;” “convene town meetings, during which you should question and challenge the member” (i.e., so-to-speak, hold your representatives’ feet to the fire!)
Well, over the decades since receiving my Political Science BA – reflexively, routinely, repeatedly, doggedly – I have attempted to contact my New York State Congressman and Senators, via phone, email, and hard copy letters and multi-page proposals,* and apart from a pro forma boilerplate “Thank you for contacting me...” email reply, not once have I been gratified by evidence that these ostensible “Servants of the People’s” Praetorian Guard staffers have even informed their employer that a constituent requested their attention to a subject and/or a reply!
Frankly, I am surprised that Mr. Nader repeats that advice, since it was only during a recent RNRH broadcast that, in a voice betraying frustrated incredulity, he complained of Representatives and Senators self-imposed exclusivity, having isolated and insulated themselves from direct contact, not only from their “average” constituents, but even when contacted by consequential luminaries such as Ralph Nader, and, in a case he cited, when he was a member of a group of similarly accomplished individuals wishing to convey important information.
So, in my decades’ long direct and indirect observation of the status of government officials’ accessibility, reluctantly, I conclude that unless an applicant – rather, in this case, “supplicant” is the mot juste – is in a position to entice via the prospect of a generous offering, e.g. a campaign contribution in specie and/or in kind, a la billionaires Elon Musk, Miriam Adelson, et al., we “average” constituents are unlikely ever to hear from, no less speak to, meet, or receive The Medal of Freedom and the like from our federal legislators in direct reply to our questions or proposals.
By the way, in my experience, Mr. Nader’s suggestion that face-to-face contact would necessarily be productive has not proven true. Whether in the context of a fleeting meet-and-greet during a campaign rally when one has been able to pose a question, or even when these legislators and Executive Branch officials are questioned e.g. by a well-informed, assertive reporter during a press conference, nowadays, i.e. since the distressing erosion of even a modicum of integrity, honesty, or civility, accompanying DT’s first administration, it seems an anomalous Representative or Senator, Senator Bernie Sanders immediately comes to mind, who, if he/she doesn’t artfully dodge a challenging question, will answer factually and truthfully.
You are correct in your assessment of Ralph's contact your representatives/ Town hall meeting strategy.
It doesn't even work on Ralph.
I got over 50 signatures on a petition from people that read my comments on Ralph's articles when they were on CommonDreams asking Ralph to address my proposal to organize citizens to demand small donor candidates and enforce that demand with our votes to provide the incentive (our votes) for politicians to address the concerns of ordinary citizens rather than only respond to the big money interests to get the big money.
I got a sort of a face-to-face with Ralph on the Washington Journal (10-24-2018) and Ralph artfully used my question to list other proposals and didn't really answer my question. He did say he would have me on the Radio Hour to discuss my proposal but that has still not happened yet.
Perhaps if enough commenters and those that read the comments without commenting were to follow Ralph's advice and contact Ralph with a summons to make good on his statement to have me on the Radio Hour to discuss this proposal it would provide the incentive for Ralph to offer listeners this opportunity to organize citizens to participate in this strategy so we would have the incentive (our votes) that would force politicians to address our concerns.
Then we would have an example of Ralph's strategy actually working.
I'm sure that Ralph and the esteemed Bruce Fein will recall the name of Donald Segretti, and what he was famous for. After reading some of the posts, I have to assert that the spirit of Segretti is very much in evidence here.
Terrific show, by the way.
My one disappointment in the questioning of folks like Hegseth was that it stopped a bit short. I would have asked Hegseth to affirm if a member of the military had a duty to disobey unlawful orders. That's a question he could not have weaseled out of as he did the others. (If he tried, it would clearly show just HOW unfit he is.)
My follow-up to that: What will you do as Secretary of Defense if confronted with subordinates down the chain who regard an order given to them as unlawful.
In their training and development, officers in our military adhere to a strict code of honor / conduct. At West Point, it goes like this: "A cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do." People like Trump and Hegseth are as loyal to their oaths to the Constitution as they are to their wedding vows.
Thank you so much for this program about the Los Angeles fires. I am in this area, and it has been scary. I found a web site that provided information that helped me when I did not know whether I needed to evacuate.
I wish everyone well who has gone through the apprehension of being in the vicinity of these fires and especially the fear and dislocation of evacuation and/or the loss of their home.
This site has a wide variety of resources, including information about 15 fires, their containment status, a map of fire locations and evacuation zones, where to go to be safe when evacuated, where to take your large and small pets to keep them safe, and how to file for FEMA assistance.
Here is the link:
Sorry, I just don't buy all the "Chicken Little" pontificating. Sure, I'd like to see heavy regulations on the wealthy and corporations, but look at what the Biden years brought us, supposedly he was going to restore law, order and sanity to the Presidency. Thankfully we're not going to see Kamala Harris become president, I actually voted for her. If the wars can be ended, without Iran attacked, if the carnage between Ukraine and Russia ends, then Trump will be seen as cognitively with it, unlike the hopeless feckless senile Biden. Good riddance to the Bidens, et al.
And on all the climate change concerns, though we are overwhelmed with yet more cities burning with chaotic conditions, would all the green agenda programs really help? The amount of devastation to land and atmosphere by these fires dwarfs all the electric technology production.
As for the law in general in the US, I'd recommend the John Grisham novels. The US has been full of disorderly and lawless people since its founding, and though we should try to get the law working, it is quite possible to make things a lot worse once law enforcement flexes its mindless and calloused muscles. We've certainly seen many good people who got behind in their taxes ruined financially. The original purpose of taxation is to add to the budget according to prioritized needs; but when you have deficits that are overwhelming any ability to pay, are taxes even meaningful anymore?
1st 10 minutes "climate change" rederick.
In addition any of you insurance agents or and climate crisis dialects read
Cadillac Desert by Marc Reisner published 1986 Viking Press *building a desert city wth the wealth of water.
Mel Gibson lost everything His interview on Joe Rogan few days back - Its worth a listen.
Heartbroken over the deviation caused by these fires, and worse,an insurmountable amount of misinformation, insurance woes and a new administration unwilling to assure California residents AID. Thank You,Mr.Nater, for sharing your Substack platform to keep us informed today, and will reStack ASAP 🙏💯👍
"The Trump regime has a high probability of being the most lawless dictatorial regime in American history. All presidents violate laws, but Trump has taken this to a new, boastful level of variety." One must assume you have been living in a cave these past four years.
Greetings to the RNRH team from New Zealand! This program will be invaluable over the next four years. I can't say I look forward to Bruce's tracking of impeachable offenses, but I'm glad he's on the case. For Ralph: I'm curious what your lobbying strategy would be for those of us with Democratic Representatives, especially those in safe seats. What's the ask? Given Dems are in the minority, I'm worried they'll get away with platitudes and Trump's general awfulness will let them off the hook. I will continue to do my best from overseas and likely go directly to the Leg Director in Washington office.
Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
This horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do!
I am curious if the states will follow along with this - are we near a negotiated succession.