Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Frank Luntz

Frank Luntz

Ralph, David, and Steve invite Republican pollster, Frank Luntz, coiner of the terms “climate change” and “clean coal,” for a freewheeling conversation about - among other things – why he has changed his mind about the climate crisis.

Frank Luntz has long been a loyal Republican insider. Mr. Luntz made his name by advising Republicans to repackage their policies with language designed to play more on constituents’ emotions. For example, telling conservatives to say they opposed the “death tax” rather than the “estate tax”. Mr. Luntz helped the Republicans understand the importance of building messages around small business rather than big corporations. He is well known as a pollster and a political commentator. He conducted focus groups for HBO and Vice News before the 2018 elections. And he appears regularly on HBO and Fox News. He served as a consultant to the NBC show, The West Wing. Mr Luntz wrote the book “Win: The Key Principles to Take Your Business from Ordinary to Extraordinary”.

“I think that [the Democrats] need to talk about genuine reform. And ‘reform’ might not be the word anymore. But they have to show the specific changes they would make and the changes they would make within the first 100 days. Second, there are some things that Trump has done that they specifically oppose. Give three examples to the public. These are the three things that I would overturn if you give us the power to do it.”

Frank Luntz, Republican pollster & wordsmith

 “The problem with Donald Trump’s communication is that it’s all about Donald Trump. And his people don’t have the guts to tell him ‘Sir, you’re doing yourself damage’.”

Frank Luntz, Republican pollster & wordsmith

Ralph Nader Radio Hour Ep 331 Transcript
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Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Ralph Nader talks about what’s happening in America, what’s happening around the world, and most importantly what’s happening underneath it all.