Ralph welcomes international human rights lawyer and activist, and former senior United Nations human rights official Craig Mokhiber to discuss Israel and Gaza—if Israel should be thrown out of the UN, how Trump's positions will compare to Biden's, and whether we're starting to see cracks in Israel's wall of impunity.
Blessings to you,Mr. Nater, for sharing this report. We,as Americans, need the Facts and the Truth, and you bring these to us today 🙏 Thank You, and will reStack ASAP 💯👍🇺🇸
Throw israel off the planet into outer darkness, let alone out of the UN. We send money to M A P, we support doctors without borders, but we know where the block lies. With those b**tards at the points of entry to Gaza, and all the checkpoints. Thank you Ralph. I never cried every day of my life til this last year. We must keep trying everything we can think of Dr Jo, East Anglia
It will never end until the AIPAC run US and multiple other countries stop sending arms/components - the weapons industry in a neoliberal world is the collective de-facto ruler. I share your daily tears and desperation. (A fellow East Anglian. Sadly no longer there).
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Unfortunately anytime you kill over 40,000 innocent people in a small concentration camp area like Gaza there will be an unforgivable human price to pay for decades to come .
For now some of the people in Israel know this to be true but they are the least of those in power to do something about it .
Can outside world leaders provide the necessary guidance for a peaceful long term solution ?
Will there be," Hell", to pay ?
H + H + H + H does not equal the real solutions to the real problems it only equals H4
The real H4 needs to equal 4 world leaders finding equal and just long term solutions .
Where are the H4 ? They know and we know who they are !
Maybe they should stop being so lazy and self-center and do something for humanity for a change . I maybe wrong ,, I sure wish I was
I wonder how many Americans are feeling frozen in place. It's more a matter of not having a clue WHAT to do. I plead "guilty" to the sin of wanting whatever it is I do to have some impact.
I get the feeling our society is suffering from something like the Kitty Genovese syndrome.
Despite the fact that I'm feeling lost and down at the moment, I truly appreciate all the work that you are doing.
On a break, I happened to look over the article by Russell Mokhiber in the August/September Capitol Hill Citizen about the "Mendoza Line for Civic Action." Oh yeah, I'm hitting well below .200 for civic action.
Civic action doesn't have physical / aging limitations the way baseball has -- but when someone isn't performing up to par, they get sent down to the minor leagues for a stint. Maybe there needs to be a little league and AAA leagues for civic action.
Super awesome show. I just love this guy Craig moakiber. I've been really starting to love the United Nations lately, and they're extremely competent speakers, lawyers and others speaking on Palestine. I've never heard a more Lucid conversation on Gaza Palestine. What a beautiful mind. And I really appreciated Ralph's discussion about the opportunity Trump will have to use Palestine as a reason for him to become a dictator. I cannot think of a better way to just slide into the dictatorship role he wants then the Israel Gaza situation. I can see the real Danger just as Ralph does. Great great show.
Excellent show overall, thank you so much. Craig Mokhiber is eloquent, precise and nearly poetic in his description of the world.
I wanted to note that I very much liked "In Case You Haven't Heard," by Francesco DeSantis, which was not only a concise, no-nonsense, and information-rich reportage, but was wonderfully presented, with masterful elocution and nearly unheard-of pronunciation of foreign names. Kudos!
Spinbackwards, I agree with the six ‘Economic Bill of Rights’ points listed. I might also add some other points, but even with the listed six, it is easy to see how so many of those are related to one another and, perhaps most specifically, they are all related to point number one and full employment more broadly.
So, with that in mind, protesting for healthcare reform is not enough, especially if you’re going to be protesting in front of healthcare workers and, in this case, workers in the insurance industry. In addition to the mandate for healthcare reform, your group should be advocating for full employment and just transitions for any healthcare/insurance workers whose job might be affected by any kind of healthcare reform. The just transition should guarantee full employment to everyone affected at a wage similar to or greater than what they are making now and without any burdensome retraining or relocation requirements. The key is to not to make enemies with healthcare/insurance workers, which is what will happen if you solely protest the current system, but rather to make those employed in the sector already see that society can benefit without their family’s and community’s economic position being put into peril.
This will naturally lead to a lot of questions about how this can be funded. Thus, you have to be able to speak intelligently on how both healthcare reform itself can be funded and how the just transitions can be funded. It is important to be knowledgeable on this for the cause to have credibility. I suggest reading works by the likes of L. Randall (Randy) Wray, Warren Mosler, and Stephanie Kelton to get more information on this area.
I’d also be careful to ensure your audience knows what your advocating for in terms of healthcare reform. After all, ‘Medicare for All’ could be interpreted as an expansion of the current system to cover all citizens which, of course, would mean Medicare Disadvantage would be marketed towards everyone. The insurance industry sure would like that! I would avoid that and make sure that people know you’re advocating for a well-developed public healthcare system. In my mind at least, this means a single-payer, single-provider UK NHS-like Beveridge model system, but one significantly better funded than what the UK NHS is at the current time. This could be administered federally or on the state level, but the funding has to come from the federal government (the same would hold true for a national insurance model reform, etc.).
I suggest expanding the protests to major hospitals/clinics with high public traffic/visibility, religious organizations who own healthcare facilities, and also to universities with medical schools. The AMA and individual physicians, along with higher education and ‘non-profits’ who profit from the current medical structure, will be some of the biggest obstacles towards healthcare reform and these organizations have much higher public trust than the insurance industry. Thus, the public needs to become more aware of the corruption emanating from these otherwise trusted public bodies. Of course, what I said above still applies, any protest must also include calls for full employment and just transitions.
Good luck, hopefully the suggestions above will make for more successful protests.
Ralph wrote this in Breaking Through Power - “Take a sweeping look at our history and you will discover that almost all movements that mattered started with just one or two people - from the fight to abolish slavery, to the creations of the environmental, trade union, consumer protection and civil rights movements. One voice becomes two, and then ten, and then thousands.”
Bernie Sanders said this in 2019 - "The only way that we do that, in my view, is when millions and millions of people stand up say enough is enough!"
Frederick Douglass said this a long time ago - "Each and every one of us must keep demanding, must keep fighting, must keep thundering..."
So I'm going to Anthem's office in Denver to advocate for healthcare as a human right and Medicare For All. I'm hoping this sparks a nationwide movement for M4A and everything else Bernie and Ralph are about.
How cool would it be if millions followed Ralph's, Bernie's, and Frederick's words to demonstrate each day for what Bernie and Ralph are about?!
Who wants to join me in Denver? Please contact me.
Max Blumenthal *Grayzone, his presentation in NO NUCLEAR WAR: A Call to Reason, organized by Scott Ritter. Max's speech is a must. Locate this Washington DC's national press club No Nuclear War on YouTube.
So strange that the Israeli's a perpetrating what the German's perpetrated on them. Also that like the Germans the majority of Israelis all support this happening. Not good karma and will come back to haunt that country and the US.
What's the thought of the assassination of this insurance company CEO? I understand they deny 34% of their claims. Is that what this's about?
I understand Ralph, that you are happy about the FDA appointee from Johns Hopkins under Trump, a prevention and chronic disease care advocate. But what's the point? You can't raise folks from the dead after Israel/USA's has had their way with all of humanity.
What's the net worth of these politicians supporting Israel? Zero. Actually, negative.
Ralph.......I hope you do tell anyone who has Medicare Disadvantage how to go back to straight Medicare. I try to remember how I signed up for it without asking more questions (and don't remember)..but I do want to try and reverse it. I asked this question last wk, and I saw that several other listeners "liked" my question........I know it is too late this year but if I know how to discontinue "Dis"Advantage, I will follow through and do it. I will wait to hear more. Thank you Ralph and staff.
Thank you Steve. I was glad to see that others also responded to my comment.....I try to never miss the Ralph Nader Radio hour........so much good information......always.
Blessings to you,Mr. Nater, for sharing this report. We,as Americans, need the Facts and the Truth, and you bring these to us today 🙏 Thank You, and will reStack ASAP 💯👍🇺🇸
Throw israel off the planet into outer darkness, let alone out of the UN. We send money to M A P, we support doctors without borders, but we know where the block lies. With those b**tards at the points of entry to Gaza, and all the checkpoints. Thank you Ralph. I never cried every day of my life til this last year. We must keep trying everything we can think of Dr Jo, East Anglia
It will never end until the AIPAC run US and multiple other countries stop sending arms/components - the weapons industry in a neoliberal world is the collective de-facto ruler. I share your daily tears and desperation. (A fellow East Anglian. Sadly no longer there).
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do!
Unfortunately anytime you kill over 40,000 innocent people in a small concentration camp area like Gaza there will be an unforgivable human price to pay for decades to come .
For now some of the people in Israel know this to be true but they are the least of those in power to do something about it .
Can outside world leaders provide the necessary guidance for a peaceful long term solution ?
Will there be," Hell", to pay ?
H + H + H + H does not equal the real solutions to the real problems it only equals H4
The real H4 needs to equal 4 world leaders finding equal and just long term solutions .
Where are the H4 ? They know and we know who they are !
Maybe they should stop being so lazy and self-center and do something for humanity for a change . I maybe wrong ,, I sure wish I was
Good luck my friends and have a great day.
This is necessary information. They’re prosecuting University of Wisconsin students who went into a campus building to demand that the UW divest from Israel https://www.ralphnaderradiohour.com/p/israels-wall-of-impunity?r=r39cw&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=audio-player
I mean this:https://wisconsinexaminer.com/2024/12/06/uws-pro-palestine-protesters-say-they-still-face-arrest-intimidation/
I wonder how many Americans are feeling frozen in place. It's more a matter of not having a clue WHAT to do. I plead "guilty" to the sin of wanting whatever it is I do to have some impact.
I get the feeling our society is suffering from something like the Kitty Genovese syndrome.
Despite the fact that I'm feeling lost and down at the moment, I truly appreciate all the work that you are doing.
Well said Thank you.
On a break, I happened to look over the article by Russell Mokhiber in the August/September Capitol Hill Citizen about the "Mendoza Line for Civic Action." Oh yeah, I'm hitting well below .200 for civic action.
Civic action doesn't have physical / aging limitations the way baseball has -- but when someone isn't performing up to par, they get sent down to the minor leagues for a stint. Maybe there needs to be a little league and AAA leagues for civic action.
The response might be chaos. Break the country. Pull the rug out from under the corporations.
Super awesome show. I just love this guy Craig moakiber. I've been really starting to love the United Nations lately, and they're extremely competent speakers, lawyers and others speaking on Palestine. I've never heard a more Lucid conversation on Gaza Palestine. What a beautiful mind. And I really appreciated Ralph's discussion about the opportunity Trump will have to use Palestine as a reason for him to become a dictator. I cannot think of a better way to just slide into the dictatorship role he wants then the Israel Gaza situation. I can see the real Danger just as Ralph does. Great great show.
Sadly the UN was structured to allow a few nations to block actions, including the USA
Excellent show overall, thank you so much. Craig Mokhiber is eloquent, precise and nearly poetic in his description of the world.
I wanted to note that I very much liked "In Case You Haven't Heard," by Francesco DeSantis, which was not only a concise, no-nonsense, and information-rich reportage, but was wonderfully presented, with masterful elocution and nearly unheard-of pronunciation of foreign names. Kudos!
Ralph is right. It's about we the people to drive the change.
I think FDR's Economic Bill of Rights should be the people's platform. Surely we can all agree on these 6 things:
1. A job
2. An adequate wage and decent living
3. A decent home
4. Medical care
5. Economic protection during sickness, accident, old age, or unemployment
6. A good education
I'm going to Denver to demonstrate for #4 -- Medicare for All, at Anthem's office at 700 North Broadway. Who wants to join me?
If you can't join me in Denver, maybe there's an insurance company nearby where you live. Make signs, go there. Post the pictures.
I got this off of Bernie's site. My sign will be:
Medicare for All
Healthcare to all people is a human right.
Ralph said the Tea Party had no more than 300k constituents. But look at all they accomplished? We can make a far greater impact.
We can do this.
Spinbackwards, I agree with the six ‘Economic Bill of Rights’ points listed. I might also add some other points, but even with the listed six, it is easy to see how so many of those are related to one another and, perhaps most specifically, they are all related to point number one and full employment more broadly.
So, with that in mind, protesting for healthcare reform is not enough, especially if you’re going to be protesting in front of healthcare workers and, in this case, workers in the insurance industry. In addition to the mandate for healthcare reform, your group should be advocating for full employment and just transitions for any healthcare/insurance workers whose job might be affected by any kind of healthcare reform. The just transition should guarantee full employment to everyone affected at a wage similar to or greater than what they are making now and without any burdensome retraining or relocation requirements. The key is to not to make enemies with healthcare/insurance workers, which is what will happen if you solely protest the current system, but rather to make those employed in the sector already see that society can benefit without their family’s and community’s economic position being put into peril.
This will naturally lead to a lot of questions about how this can be funded. Thus, you have to be able to speak intelligently on how both healthcare reform itself can be funded and how the just transitions can be funded. It is important to be knowledgeable on this for the cause to have credibility. I suggest reading works by the likes of L. Randall (Randy) Wray, Warren Mosler, and Stephanie Kelton to get more information on this area.
I’d also be careful to ensure your audience knows what your advocating for in terms of healthcare reform. After all, ‘Medicare for All’ could be interpreted as an expansion of the current system to cover all citizens which, of course, would mean Medicare Disadvantage would be marketed towards everyone. The insurance industry sure would like that! I would avoid that and make sure that people know you’re advocating for a well-developed public healthcare system. In my mind at least, this means a single-payer, single-provider UK NHS-like Beveridge model system, but one significantly better funded than what the UK NHS is at the current time. This could be administered federally or on the state level, but the funding has to come from the federal government (the same would hold true for a national insurance model reform, etc.).
I suggest expanding the protests to major hospitals/clinics with high public traffic/visibility, religious organizations who own healthcare facilities, and also to universities with medical schools. The AMA and individual physicians, along with higher education and ‘non-profits’ who profit from the current medical structure, will be some of the biggest obstacles towards healthcare reform and these organizations have much higher public trust than the insurance industry. Thus, the public needs to become more aware of the corruption emanating from these otherwise trusted public bodies. Of course, what I said above still applies, any protest must also include calls for full employment and just transitions.
Good luck, hopefully the suggestions above will make for more successful protests.
Ralph wrote this in Breaking Through Power - “Take a sweeping look at our history and you will discover that almost all movements that mattered started with just one or two people - from the fight to abolish slavery, to the creations of the environmental, trade union, consumer protection and civil rights movements. One voice becomes two, and then ten, and then thousands.”
Bernie Sanders said this in 2019 - "The only way that we do that, in my view, is when millions and millions of people stand up say enough is enough!"
Frederick Douglass said this a long time ago - "Each and every one of us must keep demanding, must keep fighting, must keep thundering..."
So I'm going to Anthem's office in Denver to advocate for healthcare as a human right and Medicare For All. I'm hoping this sparks a nationwide movement for M4A and everything else Bernie and Ralph are about.
How cool would it be if millions followed Ralph's, Bernie's, and Frederick's words to demonstrate each day for what Bernie and Ralph are about?!
Who wants to join me in Denver? Please contact me.
I wrote a post about what I'm up to here:
Max Blumenthal *Grayzone, his presentation in NO NUCLEAR WAR: A Call to Reason, organized by Scott Ritter. Max's speech is a must. Locate this Washington DC's national press club No Nuclear War on YouTube.
Bon appetite.
Now Syria’s collapse. Ryan Dawson ANTI-NEOCON report, here on Substack has an update with Patrick Henningsen
So strange that the Israeli's a perpetrating what the German's perpetrated on them. Also that like the Germans the majority of Israelis all support this happening. Not good karma and will come back to haunt that country and the US.
What's the thought of the assassination of this insurance company CEO? I understand they deny 34% of their claims. Is that what this's about?
I understand Ralph, that you are happy about the FDA appointee from Johns Hopkins under Trump, a prevention and chronic disease care advocate. But what's the point? You can't raise folks from the dead after Israel/USA's has had their way with all of humanity.
What's the net worth of these politicians supporting Israel? Zero. Actually, negative.
Ralph.......I hope you do tell anyone who has Medicare Disadvantage how to go back to straight Medicare. I try to remember how I signed up for it without asking more questions (and don't remember)..but I do want to try and reverse it. I asked this question last wk, and I saw that several other listeners "liked" my question........I know it is too late this year but if I know how to discontinue "Dis"Advantage, I will follow through and do it. I will wait to hear more. Thank you Ralph and staff.
We will put this to Ralph. All we know is that it is a bit difficult. That's why the pre-warning.
Thank you Steve. I was glad to see that others also responded to my comment.....I try to never miss the Ralph Nader Radio hour........so much good information......always.