This looks really interesting. I hope lots of CEOs listen and gain inspiration from it.

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Good morning Ralph - Pre ordered your book; not a procrastinator. Looking forward to a pillow companion read, followed by dreams of a future wth CEOs dressed in compassion. (Any CEOs you'd like me to send a copy?)

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Agree. In the the most competitive industry IMHO is local restaurants that seem to open and close on a annual basis. Those that are not petty and listen to their customers seem to stay in business longer. Ralph, on your weekly show you should explore the topic of Moral Capitalism.

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Now, as to the other 99.9999999999999....% of those scumbags, read Steven Clifford's book "The CEO Pay Machine"

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I know Steve, just mentioning it for all those who weren’t aware of that…..

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Happy birthday. Glad you were born! Hey, I have a tip for you. Americans can fight each and every battle or we can put people in charge of our government through Move to Amend's "We the People" Amendment. Once ratified, the amendment will ABOLISH the corrupt (and insane) SCOTUS notions that corporations are people and money is speech. Please check out this video about why we need the "We the People" Amendment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2-q-RBiWhk.

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I hope for better.

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OK, Ralph. I can't compete. You win. The CEOs win. Finance Capital wins. When did Ralph win?

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Nov 12, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023

Good program. I'm somewhat more skeptical/cynical of the criminal cerporate oligarchy we are living under. I find contrarian news sites useful when the msm fails in most cases to cover the big stories. For example the extremely corrupt pharmaceutical industry, which you mention in this program re: The Sacklers and Purdue Pharma. However they're all totally corrupt and should be exposed. Just read the substacks of highly credentialled doctors such as Peter McCullough or "AMidwestern doctor" who are covering the lightly covered health issues. Also former NY Times journalist Alex Berenson does a good job.

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