Ralph talks to progressive broadcaster, Thom Hartmann, about how to respond to a malignant narcissist, who also happens to be the President of the United States.
Thom Hartmann is live daily from noon-3 PM ET on commercial radio stations all across the United States, on nonprofit stations via the Pacifica Network, and on channel 127 of the Sirius XM Satellite radio network. Talkers Magazine ranks Mr. Hartmann as the #1 progressive talk show host in America. He is also a four-time Project Censored– award-winning and New York Times best-selling author of 24 books in print, including The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America. His latest is The Hidden History of Guns and the Second Amendment.
“To go back to what they taught me in psychotherapy school, when confronted with a bully, kick him in the nuts. I really think this is what the Democrats need to be doing. They need to be going at Donald Trump with everything they have, and just calling him a racist is nowhere near enough. He’s also a criminal. He’s also a thief, and has been throughout his life. He’s a rapist. And that’s fairly well documented. These are words that really need to be attached to him, particularly if he’s going to do things like telling the four women – the so-called ‘Squad,’ to go back to the countries they came from. And it was clear he was talking to all four of them. And he and Lindsey Graham are going to call them communists and all this kind of crap. It’s really time to bring the war into his face. ”
Thom Hartmann, host of The Thom Hartmann Program
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