Ralph welcomes Mike Ferner from Veterans for Peace to discuss their work pushing for a ceasefire in Gaza and mobilizing their members to obstruct the gears of our military-industrial complex.
Tom Massie should be on your show; he exposed AIPAC babysitters for each soldout member of Congress. Couldn’t we have a check off to not allow our tax dollars to go to fund a genocide, starvation and slaughter and endless war as a religious exemption as killing people especially children is against my religion.
Jewish Voice for Peace leads powerful passionate ZOOM action daily at 3pm EST-Power Half-Hour for Gaza: Channel grief & outrage into action to stop a genocide
Peace advocates from all around the world join this Voice for Peace
Excellent program; I'd like to see more exposes on the October 7th event. We keep hearing the claims that terrible atrocities were committed.
One example on a friend's Facebook page:
"... because it is against FB rules... but ThisIsHamas dot com is the BODY CAMERA FOOTAGE of Hamas' October 7 attack. They literally cut a fetus out of a living woman's belly and killed the fetus... in front of her before murdering her. They burned entire families alive. On October 6 there were 20,000 GAZA RESIDENTS working in Israel... now... Gaza residents are praying that Hamas' actions won't result in the deaths of their families. I understand that for much of the American LEFT, Jewish lives don't matter... but MANY Left-leaning Americans DO support Israel... those of us who are not Tik-Tok educated remember the six day war... when Three Arab Nations (you know, ethnostates) attacked Israel on YOM KIPPUR intending to commit genocide on Jews. Hamas has declared repeatedly that their goal is Jewish Genocide... but hey, the far left has decided that Jewish women shouldn't be believed, and Jewish lives don't matter. Hamas HAS REJECTED THE PEACE DEAL because HAMAS WANTS MORE DEAD GAZAN PALESTINIANS, they don't care about Palestinians... either do Hezbollah... they want".
These zionist types are a plague, they're like rabid dogs going after anyone questioning Israel's version of events as "anti-semitic".
Many of the "atrocities" of October 7 have been debunked and discredited as they were put out in the most jingoistic way by fanatics seeking to whip up rage. It has taken many months to sort out actual crimes from fabrications, and the ICC has done a superb job of performing that task in a rigorous legal framework. When the Israeli team was asked by the International Criminal Court for the names of these women upon whom the atrocities were committed they could not provide a single one. Also the mass rapes have been debunked! If you want to do an unbiased analysis on October 7, I suggest you read real researchers and intellectuals and reliable sources not the Israeli ones which over and over again have been shown to be serial liars. Chris Hedges is a long time top notch award winning journalist who has covered many wars and major crises--read him. Or Glenn Greenwald, John Mearsheimer, Jeffrey Sachs. Or the Intercept, writers such as Jeremy Scahill, which has been covering these events well in an unbiased way: https://theintercept.com/world/ When the rest of the world except for those who are conflicted or lack real critical thinking abilities, all regard Israel as a pariah state and engaging in state terrorism, it may just be because they and their biased allies are wrong.
There is so much corruption in government, corporations, Internet privacy,banking, the news media, the stock market that a a person doesn't know how or where to go for honesty and fairness. It is shocking at first and then one begins to realize the depth and width of the problem which occurs worldwide on a scale that is tragic and obviously illegal, immoral and dangerous.It's going to take a worldwide sit down and stay down strike to end it. I'm too lold and infirm to take up the cause; I don't
believe in petitions really work; or complaining to our local and regional governing bodies. I'm not optimistic.
Hey Ralph - I’m appreciating your May-June issue Capitol Hill Citizen. When’s the last time you listened to Red Skelton? I 11 when my parents “marveled” @ Reds TV show “The Pledge of Allegiance” That memory comforts me. -
You Mr Nader give me hope, jabs of hope, someday the government will work for the people, constituents, rather than against.
Read "The Racket" 2nd Edition by Matt Kennard. Within the 402 pages it explains how the USA impoverished developing countries. Amarican Empire in cohorts wth Israel - USS Liberty attack June 8 1967. veteransforpeace.org * I joined today $50.00 membership.
Forgot to mention, I'm Jewish and antiZionist to say the least. I could go on ffor an hour or two!
Tom Massie should be on your show; he exposed AIPAC babysitters for each soldout member of Congress. Couldn’t we have a check off to not allow our tax dollars to go to fund a genocide, starvation and slaughter and endless war as a religious exemption as killing people especially children is against my religion.
We are complicit.
Massie goes with most of the other GOP propaganda.
John Mearsheimer, Glenn Greenwald, Max Blumenthal would be good.
Ralph should invite Congressmen on this show from all backgrounds. More people need to step out of their silos once in awhile.
This was one of the most important RNRH episodes yet. Thank you!
Jewish Voice for Peace leads powerful passionate ZOOM action daily at 3pm EST-Power Half-Hour for Gaza: Channel grief & outrage into action to stop a genocide
Peace advocates from all around the world join this Voice for Peace
Protesting genocide with US money and weapons
Join us
Karen, check out this program we did a couple of months ago: https://www.ralphnaderradiohour.com/p/grassroots-groups-for-gaza?utm_source=publication-search
Excellent program; I'd like to see more exposes on the October 7th event. We keep hearing the claims that terrible atrocities were committed.
One example on a friend's Facebook page:
"... because it is against FB rules... but ThisIsHamas dot com is the BODY CAMERA FOOTAGE of Hamas' October 7 attack. They literally cut a fetus out of a living woman's belly and killed the fetus... in front of her before murdering her. They burned entire families alive. On October 6 there were 20,000 GAZA RESIDENTS working in Israel... now... Gaza residents are praying that Hamas' actions won't result in the deaths of their families. I understand that for much of the American LEFT, Jewish lives don't matter... but MANY Left-leaning Americans DO support Israel... those of us who are not Tik-Tok educated remember the six day war... when Three Arab Nations (you know, ethnostates) attacked Israel on YOM KIPPUR intending to commit genocide on Jews. Hamas has declared repeatedly that their goal is Jewish Genocide... but hey, the far left has decided that Jewish women shouldn't be believed, and Jewish lives don't matter. Hamas HAS REJECTED THE PEACE DEAL because HAMAS WANTS MORE DEAD GAZAN PALESTINIANS, they don't care about Palestinians... either do Hezbollah... they want".
These zionist types are a plague, they're like rabid dogs going after anyone questioning Israel's version of events as "anti-semitic".
Many of the "atrocities" of October 7 have been debunked and discredited as they were put out in the most jingoistic way by fanatics seeking to whip up rage. It has taken many months to sort out actual crimes from fabrications, and the ICC has done a superb job of performing that task in a rigorous legal framework. When the Israeli team was asked by the International Criminal Court for the names of these women upon whom the atrocities were committed they could not provide a single one. Also the mass rapes have been debunked! If you want to do an unbiased analysis on October 7, I suggest you read real researchers and intellectuals and reliable sources not the Israeli ones which over and over again have been shown to be serial liars. Chris Hedges is a long time top notch award winning journalist who has covered many wars and major crises--read him. Or Glenn Greenwald, John Mearsheimer, Jeffrey Sachs. Or the Intercept, writers such as Jeremy Scahill, which has been covering these events well in an unbiased way: https://theintercept.com/world/ When the rest of the world except for those who are conflicted or lack real critical thinking abilities, all regard Israel as a pariah state and engaging in state terrorism, it may just be because they and their biased allies are wrong.
There is so much corruption in government, corporations, Internet privacy,banking, the news media, the stock market that a a person doesn't know how or where to go for honesty and fairness. It is shocking at first and then one begins to realize the depth and width of the problem which occurs worldwide on a scale that is tragic and obviously illegal, immoral and dangerous.It's going to take a worldwide sit down and stay down strike to end it. I'm too lold and infirm to take up the cause; I don't
believe in petitions really work; or complaining to our local and regional governing bodies. I'm not optimistic.
Hi Ralph & whom ever reads this any who... Currently reading The Racket, 2nd Edition, by Matt Kennard.
Hey Ralph - I’m appreciating your May-June issue Capitol Hill Citizen. When’s the last time you listened to Red Skelton? I 11 when my parents “marveled” @ Reds TV show “The Pledge of Allegiance” That memory comforts me. -
You Mr Nader give me hope, jabs of hope, someday the government will work for the people, constituents, rather than against.
Anyone who can consume over seventy hot dogs in less than fifteen minutes would be a prime candidate for colon cancer. Processed meats are poison.
Read "The Racket" 2nd Edition by Matt Kennard. Within the 402 pages it explains how the USA impoverished developing countries. Amarican Empire in cohorts wth Israel - USS Liberty attack June 8 1967. veteransforpeace.org * I joined today $50.00 membership.
Just found you here after no success trying to get my Substack about you to you: https://substack.com/home/post/p-142269168
"Ralph Nader and I are on it about enoughness/
That there should be some limit on avarice and accumulation"
Appears that film How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb and Killed JFK by Ryan Dawson - the documentary has gained note worthy attention.
Veterans for Peace - thank you for giving me the courage to go against the grain.
Ralph hi. Just ordered an "Erasing the Liberty" LARGE T-shirt & the book *Holocaust on the High Seas
Free the UHURU3!
The only way to 'peace' with Israel is thru armed resistance. They won't stop this genocide unless someone forces them to. ✊🇵🇸STAND WITH HAMAS 🇵🇸✊
My Father was a Holocaust Survivor...
I am ashamed what Israel (with the complaisant assistance of the United States and Europe) is doing to the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.
Stop the War and make Peace.